
Showing posts from 2010

July 22 - Home

We really didnt plan to ride all 580 miles home from Bozeman today.but we got and early start and every couple of hours said lets go another hour or so, and eventually we were only 3 hours from home. Here is a screen shot of the GPS after I got home...The mileage here is off a bit from the odometer, as the GPS was used in a car a couple of times, and also was off the bike due to rain a few times. The Moving Avg. speed was about 51 mph when we got to Fargo...but 1200 miles of freeway home raised that up a bit. Here is the odometer...almost 7250 for the trip A couple of pics of a crop duster in Montana Our reflection in a tanker Western Montana landscape Only one more state to cross One of a number of "so called construction zones"...well over half of the zones had nothing going on...just a reason to screw with the traffic I think. The last 200 miles the wind was blowing ...just a bit all the way across the country everything was pretty much green, other than a small part

July 21 - Bozeman

We rode from Glendive to Bozeman today about 370 Miles Eastern MT Rock Formations Several different cloud shots There apparently has been a fair amount of rain this summer through out Montana and North Dakota as most of the country was greener than I have seen it at times. The last two days topped out at 80 degrees...Dry a bit of wind. Just about as good of riding weather as you can get here in July. Jeff

July 20 - Across North Dakota....all the way across

Fargo to Bismark Bismark to Glendive MT We did about 400 miles today our longest day so far. Landscape just leaving Fargo There was a detour on the route to the freeway onramp. Apparently in ND Detours expect you to have an all terrain motorcycle. There were several mudholes, and we slid around a bit but staid clean Later we saw this wind turban blade on a truck entering the freeway and passed it later on. You have no idea how big these are until your right next to them I think North Dakota has almost as much "Big Sky" as Montana A Metal Mural of a flight of geese Think the wind affected the growth of this tree? The last 70 miles westbound through ND the land starts to change Probably about 3 days to home Jeff

Monday July 19 - To Fargo

Monday we rode from Rochester Mn to Fargo ND to visit and Aunt and Cousin. Clouds outside Rochester Landscape between Rochester and the Twin Cities ditto I'm guessing a refinery or chemical plant just south of the Twin Cities Minneapolis Skyline Some of Minnesota's 10,000 lakes One of our Friends Rob and Sandys favorite haunts when they lived in this part of the country. L to R Doris, Jeff, Aunt Iva, Don Phyllis Aunt Iva is my moms's oldest remaining sister.

July 18 - Dixon - Wisconsin - Iowa - Rochester Minn

Goodbye Uncle Herb! Thanks for the Bed, Washer and Dryer, Meals and for showing us around town. The top map is all the states we have visited by Motorcycle The second map is states we have visited for the first time on this trip. I think we are done with new ones Today we went from Dixon Ill to Rochester Minn through the far soutwest corner of Wisconsin and across North East Iowa. I saw several signs for this store..and thought it a bit strange " FAMILY BEER AND LIQUOR" A couple of pics of the Mississippi River near Savannah Il. Between Hanover and Galena the GPS told us to get off the hwy and take BlackJack road..Never would have found it but it was 15 miles of very nice Motorcycle Road....Actually I was surprised how Northwest Illinois and NE Iowa had a lot of nice riding. Finally got a welcome sign Crossing the Mississippi into Iowa Looking up can see a dam in the distance. The elevation hear was around 600 feet. Not much for as far as the river has to go t