July 22 - Home

We really didnt plan to ride all 580 miles home from Bozeman today.but we got and early start and every couple of hours said lets go another hour or so, and eventually we were only 3 hours from home.
Here is a screen shot of the GPS after I got home...The mileage here is off a bit from the odometer, as the GPS was used in a car a couple of times, and also was off the bike due to rain a few times. The Moving Avg. speed was about 51 mph when we got to Fargo...but 1200 miles of freeway home raised that up a bit.

Here is the odometer...almost 7250 for the trip

A couple of pics of a crop duster in Montana

Our reflection in a tanker

Western Montana landscape

Only one more state to cross
One of a number of "so called construction zones"...well over
half of the zones had nothing going on...just a reason to screw with the traffic I think.

The last 200 miles the wind was blowing ...just a bit

all the way across the country everything was pretty much green, other than a small part of Montana, until we got to Washington...then it was this color all the way home.

Home at last....
What a trip, One that could hardly be dreamed of even a year ago, but everything fell into place.

Hope you enjoyed.
Jeff and Doris


  1. Thanks for the blog and photos. GREAT job. Readable, entertaining, interesting, personal, informative. (With great pics by Doris while on the back of the bike - woo-hoo!)


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