July 20 - Across North Dakota....all the way across

Fargo to BismarkBismark to Glendive MT

We did about 400 miles today our longest day so far.

Landscape just leaving Fargo

There was a detour on the route to the freeway onramp.

Apparently in ND Detours expect you to have an all terrain motorcycle.

There were several mudholes, and we slid around a bit but staid clean

Later we saw this wind turban blade on a truck entering the freeway
and passed it later on.

You have no idea how big these are until your right next to them

I think North Dakota has almost as much "Big Sky" as Montana

A Metal Mural of a flight of geese

Think the wind affected the growth of this tree?

The last 70 miles westbound through ND the land starts to change

Probably about 3 days to home


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