Durham - Topsail

We woke up this morning to the sound of thunder, I went down to the breakfast in the hotel lobby, and after watching the weather report (Thunderstorms in the Durham area, and along our route toward Wilmington, I figured for sure we would get wet, so the rain cover went on the luggage, and the camera was packed away so we didnt take many pictures again today, although about half way the clouds lifted and Doris got out the camera and took a few.
We started seeing Tobacco fields today (i think) a first for us. We saw several but mixed in with lots of Corn and other crops. We have been told that Kudzu, a non native viney plant is taking over a lot of the wild areas in the south. We saw a lot in Georgia, I'm not sure if this is the same thing, but it looks like it to us. You can see it climbing in to this tree in the picture.

We got to Topsail about 12:30, and just relaxed for the afternoon, Jumped in the Atlantic for the first time just before dinner. Let me tell you that it is much more enjoyable to swim in the ocean here than at the Oregon coast. I'm guessing the water temp was about 80. (for those of you who dont know, the Pacific Ocean along Washington and Oregon rarely if ever exceeds 60 degrees)

And we have now added 3 new states to the States Ridden map

Thats all for now.



  1. Are you planning on riding through all 50? Great goal. I plan in performing in all of them. I'm a bit farther behind than you. I've only done acting in 7. So far....


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