June 23 - All the way to Key West.

We made it to Key West!!!! 1671 miles so far per the GPS
But it took a bit of time getting through the Miami area traffic on Hwy 1

Between Homestead and the Keys there was road construction and lots of swamp

I saw a sign on this fence that said
No Trespassing..Violators will be prosecuted.
...and I thought "or eaten"...
I think that pic below is approaching Key Largo

Several pics of the drive down the keys are below

7 mile bridge?

Destination Realized...the original Margaritaville!!

Doris working on a frozen "boat drink"

That one is for Dad

We walked around town in the evening and at one square they have street performers, this guy was a juggler, and did a short bit on the wire, with a gusting wind.
Thats all for today, I will take some more pics around town on Thursday. Friday we head back north.


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