June 29 Nashville - Robbinsville NC and the Cherohala Skyway

The above is an updated of the States we have ridden in so far on this trip
Rode from Nashville to Robbinsville NC yesterday...Mostly avoided interstates and finally saw some really nice rural country.

Keep in mind that virtually all these pictures Doris took while we are moving

TVA Nuke Plant

From Tellico Plaines we took the Cherohala Skyway..the light yellow route on the map.
40-45 mph speed limit (I never got close) 40 miles took over an hour...Great ride.

I figured a new trick with the GPS I can take "Screen Shots" that it saves...This one I took for the elevation. After 2 weeks of 90 degrees plus, 70 at 5300 feet felt COLD...but it was a good cold

T This on I took of the road looping back below us.

Scenery along the Skyway

BTW Anyone planning to visit who likes a beer or glass of wine after the day is done..Robbinsville is a dry town..I think the whole county might be.
It only took me an hour of walking around town to figure that one out...lol
Tomorrow we slay the Dragon.


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