June 28 - Tallahassee to Birmingham

ItalicWe rode up to Birmingham yesterday, We met up with a couple I've met through PGR James and Gail Davis and had a real nice breakfast and visit in Mirianna Florida on the way.
Wish we had remembered to get a picture.
Doris found this sign amusing....It is referring to a series of speed bumps.

I saw another sign that made me laugh..In the Florida Panhandle...
"Lights on
And Wipers
When Raining"

Doris picked up a new pen last week

When we saw it she new she had to have it.

We ate at this place last night...the first BBQ we have had on the trip...but it beats any of the places back home that call themselves BBQ.

Thats It.
We were headed to Memphis, but changed out mind and went straight to Nashville, and traded Memphis for an extra day in the Mountains on the Tenn/NC Border.
Pics from Nashville later or tomorrow.


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