June 28 - Nashville

We just ran straight up from Birmingham to Nashville today, we got in early so we had time to drive out to opryland and find out that due to the floods earlier this year it was closed till november...couldn't even get close enough for pictures.
Countryside between B'ham and Nashville

I did see on funny sign today...A double decker billboard.
The top one was a bible verse...something like "Repent now or you will burn in hell"

Below it was an advertisement for Mr Jim's
Boobie Bungalo's

We had a discussion about which sign got there first.

The hotel we are staying in is on the location of a former Presidents home.

Another Historic Sign

Took some pics in the Country Music Hall of fame...couldnt use flash so the quality varies.

Hank Williams Sr's Guitar

A pic of the display of contemporary artists
(For Laura)

Broadway - Honky Tonk district

Tomorrow we are heading for the hills between Tenn and Nc..no more straight roads!!!
Jeff and Doris


  1. my goodness, clearly there's nothing like an actual tour of the roads of america. alligators and nashville, such a deal. i do like the senseless of humor of signage. much more interesting up close and personal. love the blog. keep having fun.


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