Finally started

Hey everyone ...we are on the road.

Flew to Atlanta yesterday...Pretty much nothing exciting about that, then spent the night with a friend who recently moved to Atlanta.

Here is the only picture so far..
Mt Rainier as we flew by after leaving Seattle.
This morning we got to the Freight Depot to pick up the bike..(an hour later than I planned...but oh well).

Did the paper work, and went to unload it off the pallet, and the straps would not release...after about 15 minutes of trying the freight buy, finally wipped out a knive and just cut the were all ready to load up the bag, put on our gear and hit the road. Rolled it off the pallet, turned the key on hit the starter and

So now the drill...dig into the bags and pull out the tools, off with the seats...get the freight guy to bring over his car so I can jump it. Starts right up, disconnect cables, he goes to park his car again and I reach for the throttle as I notice the idle getting a bit slow....too late. (At least I didnt have the seats back on!) Jump it again, and jam an o-ring in the throttle to keep it at about 25% throttle while we load up. BTW it is 90 plus degrees in and were in an asphalt parking lot doing all this.

Anyway we hit the road about 11:00 and headed up I-85 toward Durham. Did about 195 miles to Spartanburg SC, We stopped around 2:30 and figured that was enough as the thermometer clamped to my handlebar had not been south of 95 in a couple of hours.Iv'e downed a 32 oz and a 29 oz gatorade since we stopped. Tomorrow we will get an early start and head toward Durham NC. With the early start we are planning on getting of the interstate around Charlotte NC and probably take 27/24 East until we are south of Durham, then straight north from there.


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